Use MetaMask For ZEUS
You may encounter a network configuration issue in recent releases of MetaMask, Please go to "Upgrade" section for solution
What is it?
MetaMask was created out of the needs of creating more secure and usable ZEUS-based web sites. In particular, it handles account management and connecting the user to the blockchain. It’s supported in Chrome, Brave, and Safari browsers.
Example: Install MetaMask in Brave browser
- Open Extension Category in Brave: for MetaMask
Note: Make sure it’s offered by
- Click on “Add to Brave”
That’s it! You have successfully installed MetaMask extension in Brave!
The workflow is the same for all browsers
Create an account in MetaMask for ZEUS
- Click on the “Create a wallet” button
2. Create Password of at least 8 characters
- Click on “Create” and then write down your backup phrase.
- Select each phrase in order to make sure it is correct then click “Confirm”.
Congratulations! you have create your MetaMask account!
Connect Your MetaMask With ZEUS
- Go to setting page
Add a new network
Claim some testnet token to your account Click on your address for copy
Go to faucet page:, then paste your address in the box and click on “Give me ZEUS”
Please note that you can only claim once every minute
After the transfer transaction is sent, you will see an increase of your balance
Transfer ZEUS to other ZEUS address
Log in to your MetaMask
Click on Send button
Copy the receiver’s address in the box
Input the amount
Go to Advanced Options to modify default gas price when necessary
Confirm your transaction, then click Next
Click Confirm to send your transaction
- Wait for your transaction to be included in the new block
- Once your transaction is confirmed, check it on block explorer by clicking Details
- Click on your account to see "Details''
Verify your transaction in Explorer:
Add ZRC20 Tokens
Deploy an ZRC20 contract at You can create a new file or import a sample contract:
Connect your ZEUS Account to Remix
- Select “ABCToken” contract and compile
- Deploy your compiled contract
Adjust Gas Fee for your contract, then confirm your deploy contract
You can see that there is a new ceate contract transaction in block explorer
In MetaMask, Click on “Add Token”
Choose “Custom Token” and copy the contract address in the box
Click on “Add Tokens”
Then you can see change of your balance
Create Multiple Accounts
To create multiple accounts, you click on Profile icon on MetaMask and then click on Create Account
You can then add an account name and click on Create.
Then you can see a new account is created!
Since the release of v8.1.3, MetaMask sometimes displays the warning message "Invalid Custom Network".
To solve this issue, click on "'Settings" and enter Chain ID of ZEUS network again. If 34504 doesn’t work, try 0x86C8.